Imbolc: A Time For Removing Negativity and Purification ✨️

The coming of spring is a time of earthly cleansing; a time of purification, Imbolc is all about preparing for spring and for new possibilities. This time of year, you will notice that the days are getting longer and while it is still cold everything is beautiful and snow covered.

Because of the growing life and light, I also think it is a good time of year to look at your life and finally clean out some negative aspects. In just a few weeks it’ll be Ostara and the world will be fresh and clean. Why not use this time of the year to do some spring cleaning, literal or spiritual?
History of imbolc

Imbolc falls on February 1st and 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere and it marks the center point for the dark half of the year. Imbolc is a celebration of hope; a reminder that Spring is just around the corner. As a whole this time represents ideas like growth, renewal, and purity. This is a time to appreciate the budding fertility of the earth and it is also a time to purify both our spaces and our minds. A great activity to do for Imbolc is to go for a simple walk outdoors and try to notice and subtle hints that spring is on it’s way.

Imbolc may also be called St. Brigit’s Day or Candlemas. Brigit is a Celtic fire goddess and is considered a guardian of the home and the hearth. She is also tied to things like healing, midwifery, and smithcraft.
Here in America, we have the unusual holiday of Groundhogs Day which usually falls on the same day of Imbolc.

The unusual superstition of a groundhog predicting the remaining weeks of winter is certainly in alignment with Imbolc divination traditions that used this day look for signs that heralded the hope of spring.
5 of the Sacred Ways to Connect with the Energy of Imbolc
1. Burning White Candles

On February 2nd, light candles and lamps in the home to welcome the return of the Light. Yellow, white and orange candles are the best colors to use. As you light each candle, focus your energy with the flame and ask that the light burn clear and bright, bringing clarity to the home, burning off any residual gloom or negative energy within the home.
2. Decorate with white flowers

White flowers symbolize the purity within and the promise of blooming to come. Place a beautiful bouquet in the heart area of your home and breathe deeply into the flowers, allowing their essence and fragrance to be experienced by all of your senses.
3. Burning sage or your favorite herbs.

Burning sage and other sacred herbs
Removing negative energy, a fresh start. Burning herbs, such as sage removes all the unwanted energies and its a perfect time to do a good "spring cleansing" for imbolc. use the smoke to purify and release that which no longer serving you.
4. Appreciate the nature in your area.

Even during the cold, (as long as its not too cold, like the fridged temps currently in this US, Take some time to give thanks to the beauty surrounding you. Stand with your feet firmly grounded to the earth and raise your arms in the air, bring the light from above around you and allow it to flow deep within you. If the temps in your area are scary low, wait a few days to try this! More importantly you should think about what in your local environment makes you feel connected to this time of year.
5.Planting seeds

Gather the seeds that you will be planting in your Spring garden. When planting these seeds in the spring, plant the quartz crystal into the earth next to the seeds, quartz energy has been traditional to help your plants succeed in growing large and healthy with the energy quartz naturally produces.
Springtime is a season of optimism and hope, a time when positivity reigns supreme and all things shine under the light of the sun. Enjoy the new beginnings, purification and removing all of the unwanted energies!